Conservative Old Catholic Region of St. Christopher - Ortodoksna starokatolička regija sv. Kristofora

One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church


The World Council of National Catholic Churches is made from Cathtolic Churches who are stay on traditional ecclesiastical doctrine. It was established in Portugal, in Mafra on 22.-25. Ocotober 2004. as a return to true Catholicism as opposed to the deviations of the Uthretic union. It is also used  the name ''old catholic Patriarchat.'' 

Unfortunately, deviations identical to the Old Catholicism of the Union of Utrecht began to be publicly manifested and accepted in the Roman Catholic Church as well.

"The severity of the crisis not only of society as a whole but also of the (Roman Catholic) Church is in the greatest spiritual crisis since its inception. This crisis of the Roman Catholic Church is manifested today in all fields: doctrinal, moral, liturgical and pastoral. Modernism, which Pope St. Pius IX. declared a synthesis of all heresies, crept deep into the pores of the church hierarchy and sometimes causes general confusion among the faithful because they hear conflicting views on matters of faith and morality from the altar. It is with a heavy heart that we listen to certain statements that come from the very top of the Roman Catholic Church, which have aroused doubt and confusion among the faithful. Canon 212 urges the duty of public warning of certain phenomena and statements that are not entirely in accordance with church teaching.
Society is infected with the spirit of anthropocentrism and secularism to the extent that in some countries people are already going to prison for speaking the truth. However, this does not mean that believers should stop speaking the truth. They are the Church at war and their task is to fight for the faith, for Jesus Christ, because whoever is not with him is against him (cf. Mt 12, 30). Unlike previous totalitarian ideologies, genderism is especially dangerous for Christians because it leads them astray with the help of its primary weapon, brainwashing (cf. Col 2:8).
We call for the conversion of both Catholics and all people of good will. We call for great caution in the face of a cunning and perfidious enemy, in the face of the spirit of the age, who wants to turn us away from the truth with sweet talk, seduce us with vain human philosophy and thus ruin the soul for all time. We call for faithfulness to Christ and the Church - at any cost.''
(Msgr. Ph.D  Bishop Athanasius Schneider, text from the cover of the book Spirit of Time - apologetic manual no. 2)  

"Attacks on the church come quite openly from within the Church itself, even from high-ranking prelates. Jesus said very clearly that his Church, although it is in the world, is not of the world (cf. Jn 15, 19). The task of the Church is not to conform to the world, but on the contrary, to be a light to the world (cf. Mt 5, 14-15). However, today many Catholics have fallen under the influence of the spirit of the times, i.e. the spirit of Satan, and thus put their souls in mortal danger. Many prophecies predict a great apostasy from the faith, and as Pope Benedict XVI himself once said, in the end a small flock will remain. Let's remain faithful to Christ and the Church, who want to remain in that small flock.''
(Doc. Ph.D. Ivan Poljaković, text from the cover of the book Spirit of Time - apologetic manual no. 2)

Given that we, traditional Old Catholics, accept Roman Catholic teaching  - except for the discipline of compulsory celibacy for all three degrees of holy orders, we strongly support and endorse these positions.

They tell us: ''You Old Catholics of the World Council of National Catholic Churches do not recognize the Pope.'' But, what to say after the series of non-Catholic papal exploits that culminated in the Fiducia Supplicans? Where is the criterion of truth? We do not determine what is true, but neither does the pope. The only criterion of thrth, the only Truth, is our Lord Jusus Christ and we shuld refer to what our Lord Jesus Christ taught us, what the church fathers and the whole Church taught us, in order to know where the truth is. We do not judge the Holy Father, but Holy Scriptures and Tradition judge him. 

Jedna, sveta, katolička i apostolska crkva 


Svjetski sabor narodnih katoličkih crkava čine starokatoličke crkve koje su ostale na tradicionalnoj crkvenoj doktrini. Ustanovljen je u Portugalu, u Mafri 22.-25. listopada 2004. godine kao povratak autentičnom katolicizmu nasuprot devijacijama Uthretske unije. Također se koristi i ime ''starokatolički patrijarhat.'' 

Na žalost, devijacije identične starokatolicizmu Uthretske unije počele su biti javno očitovane i prihvaćane i u Rimokatoličkoj crkvi. 

''Težina krize ne samo društva u cjelini već i (Rimokatoličke) Crkve nalazi se u najvećoj duhovnoj krizi od svoga postanka. Ta kriza Rimokatoličke Crkve očituje se danas na svim poljima: doktrinarnom, moralnom, liturgijskom i pastoralnom. Modernizam, kojeg je papa sv. Pio IX. proglasio sintezom svih hereza, uvukao se duboko u pore crkvene hijerarhije te ponekad izaziva opću zbunjenost kod vjernika jer s oltara čuju oprečne stavove po pitanju vjere i ćudoređa. Teška srca slušamo pojedine izjave koje dolaze iz samog vrha Rimokatoličke Crkve, a koje su kod vjernika pobudile sumnju, zbunjenost i smetenost. Kanon 212, potiče na dužnost javnog upozorenja na određene pojave i izjave koje nisu posve u skladu s crkvenim naukom. 
Društvo je inficirano duhom antropocentrizma i sekularizma do te mjere da se u nekim zemljama već odlazi u zatvor zbog izgovorene istine. Međutim, to ne znači da vjernici trebaju prestati govoriti istinu. Oni su vojujuća Crkva i njihova je zadaća boriti se za vjeru, za Isusa Krista, jer tko nije s njim protiv njega je (usp. Mt 12, 30). Za razliku od prijašnjih totalitarističkih ideologija, dženderizam je posebno opasan za kršćane jer ih uz pomoć svog primarnog oružja, pranja mozga, odvodi u zabludu (usp. Kol 2, 8). 
Pozivamo na obraćenje, kako katolika tako i svih ljudi dobre volje. Pozivamo na veliki oprez pred lukavim i perfidnim neprijateljem, pred duhom vremena, koji nas slatkorječivošću hoće odvratiti od istine, zavesti nas ispraznom ljudskom filozofijom i tako upropastiti dušu za sva vremena. Pozivamo na vjernost Kristu i Crkvi - po svaku cijenu.'' 
(Msgr. dr.. sc. biskup Athanasius Schneider, tekst sa korica knjige Duh vremena - apologetski priručnik br. 2)

''Napadi na crkvu dolaze sasvim otvoreno i iz samog krila Crkve, čak i od visoko pozicioniranih prelata. Isus je vrlo jasno rekao da njegova Crkva, iako jest u svijetu, nije od svijeta (usp. Iv 15, 19). Zadaća Crkve nije suobličiti se svijetu, već naprotiv, biti svjetlo svijetu (usp. Mt 5, 14-15). Međutim, danas su mnogi katolici pali pod utjecaj duha vremena, tj. duha Sotone, i tako doveli svoju dušu u pogibeljnu opasnost. Mnogim proročanstvima je predviđen veliki otpad od vjere te kako je i sam papa Benedikt XVI. nekoć rekao, na kraju će ostati malo stado. Ostanimo vjerni Kristu i Crkvi, koji želite ostati u tom malom stadu.''
(Doc. dr. sc. Ivan Poljaković, tekst sa korica knjige Duh vremena - apologetski priručnik br. 2)

Obzirom da mi, tradicionalni starokatolici prihvaćamo rimokatolički nauk, izuzev discipline obveznog celibata za sva tri stupnja svetoga reda, snažno podupiremo i podržavamo ove stavove. 

Kažu nam: ''Ni vi starokatolici Svjetskog sabora narodnih katoličkih crkava ne priznajete papu''. Ali što reći nakon serije nekatoličkih papinskih podviga koji su kulminirali s Fiducia Supplicans?  gdje je kriterij istine? Ne određujemo mi što je istina, ali ni papa ne određuje. Jedini kriterij istine, jedina Istina, to je naš Gospodin Isus Krist i trebamo se pozivati na ono što nas je naš Gospodin Isus Krist učio, što su nas učili crkveni oci i cijela Crkva, da bismo znali gdje je istina. Ne sudimo mi Svetoga Oca nego ga sudi Sveto Pismo i Tradicija.

List of the Patriarch of the World Council of National Catholic Churches

1.     ANTÓNIO José Da Costa Raposo (2004. - 2017.)

2.     AUGUSTIN Bačinský (2017. - 2021.)  

3.   LEONARDO Beg - (2021. - )

Popis patrijarha Svijetskog sabora narodnih katoličkih crkava

1.     ANTÓNIO José Da Costa Raposo (2004. - 2017.)

2.     AUGUSTIN Bačinský (2017. - 2021.)

3.   LEONARDO Beg (2021. - )


I Council: all bishops of WCNCC
II. Patriarch: Leonardo Beg 
III. General Secretary: Pavel Begichev

Struktura crkve
I Koncil (Sabor): svi biskupi SSNKC
II Patrijarh: Leonardo Beg 
III Generalni tajnik: Pavel Begichev

IV Church Regions
1 Autocephal Church Region of St. Method: 
Archbishop Metropolitan Mons. Vlastimil Šulgan 
a) Old Catholic Church in Slovakia: Archbishop Metropolitan Mons. Vlastimil Šulgan
b) Old Catholic General Vicariate in Austria
c) Old Catholic General Vicariate in Czech Republic: Bishop Mons. Antonin Jelinek

2 Autocephal Church Region of St. Christopher: 
Archbishop Metropolitan Mons. Leonardo Beg, PhD
- Catholic Old Churc in Croatia - Archbishop Metropolitan Mons. Leonardo Beg, PhD
- Slovenian Old Catholic Church - Fr. Rinaldo DiRicchardi-Muzga, PhD, 

3) Autocephal Church Region of St. Michael the Archangel: 
Archbishop Metropolitan Mons. Pavel Begichev (Moscow)
- St. Petersburg - Bishop Mons. Sergei Sukharev 
- Irkutsk - Bishop Mons. Ivan Ponomarev 
- Volgograd - Rev. Eduard Likholetov
- Voronezh - Rev Sergey Smirnykh
- Krasnodar - Rev Yaroslav Terletsky
- Orenburg region - Rev Alexey Bogomolov
- Skete of blessed Jacoba de Settesolii (Jeruzalem) - rector Rev Daniel Clementi
- Apostolic Catholic Church in Abkhazia - Archipriest Fr. Andrey Kusuev

IV Crkvene provincije
1) Autokefalna crkvena regija sv. Metoda: 
nadbiskup metropolita mons. Vlastimil Šulgan 
- Starokatolička crkva u Slovačkoj: nadbiskup metropolita mons. Vlastimil Šulgan
- Starokatolički generalni vikarijat u Austriji
- Starokatolički generalni vikarijat u Češkoj: biskup mons. Antonin Jelinek

2) Autokefalna crkvena regija sv. Kristofora:  
nadbiskup metropolita mons. dr. Leonardo Beg
- Katolička Stara Crkva u Hrvatskoj, nadbiskup metropolita mons. dr. Leonardo Beg
- Slovenska starokatolička crkva: dr. o. Rinaldo DiRicchardi-Muzga

3) Autokefalna crkvena regija sv. Mihaela Arhanđela: 
nadbiskup metropolita mons. Pavel Begičev (Moskva)
- St. Petersburg - biskup mons. Sergei Sukharev 
- Irkutsk - biskup mons. Ivan Ponomarev 
- Volgograd - don Eduard Likholetov
- Voronezh - don Sergey Smirnykh
- Krasnodar - don Yaroslav Terletsky
- Orenburg region - don Alexey Bogomolov
- Blaženi Jacoba de Settesolii (Jeruzalem) - rektor don Daniel Clementi
- Apostolska Katolička Crkva Abkhazije - nadprebiter o. Andrey Kusuev

Curia of  WCNCC - Secretariats
Metropolitan Mons. Pavel BEGICHEV
General Secretary and Secretary for ecumenism and inter religious cooperation

Archbishop Metropolitan Mons. Vlastimil  ŠULGAN
Secretary for pastoral development

Kuria SSNKC - tajništva
Metropolita Mons. Pavel BEGICHEV
Generalni tajnik i tajnik za ekumenizam i međureligijski dijalog

Metropolita Mons. Vlastimil ŠULGAN
Tajnik za unapređenje pastorala 



Donations / Donacije
Katolička Stara Crkva - Catholic Old Church account: IBAN: HR8824020061100945728

Patriarch LEONARDO BEG, Archbishop Metropolitan of Orthodox Old Catholic Region of St. Christopher and Bishop of the Catholic Ancient Church in Croatia and Old Catholic Church in Slovenia. 

Patrijarh LEONARDO BEG, nadbiskup metropolita ortodoksne starokatoličke regije sv. Kristofora i biskup Katoličke Stare Crkve u Hrvatskoj i Slovenske starokatoličke crkve
E-mail Curial consultors - kurijalni konzultori:
            - Patriarch - Patrijarh:
            - Secretary of Patriarch - tajnik patrijarha:


Msgr. Marijan STRUNJE, Secretary of Patriarch and parish priest of  St. Christopher in Rab 
Mons. Marijan STRUNJE, tajnik patrijarha i župnik Župe sv. Kristofora u Rabu
- Barbat 8, 51280 Rab
- Dražička 1/b, 51000 Rijeka
Mob: 091 443 2333

Deacon Stjepan MURGIĆ, PhD, Commisioner for the Istria area in Croatia
Đakon doc. dr. sc. Stjepan MURGIĆ, povjerenik za područje Istre u Hrvatskoj
Stanična 9, 52 480 Buje
Mob: 099 7368917

Vesna Bartolovic, mag. oec., consultant of the bishop's ordinariate 
Vesna Bartolović, dipl. oec, konzultorica biskupskog ordinarijata 

Mob: 099 220 99 63


Donations / Donacije
Slovenska starokatolička crkva - Slovenian Old Church account: IBAN: SI56610000022969656

Fr. Rinaldo DiRicchardi MUZGA, PhD, parish priest of St. Luke in Ljubljana 
Dr. o. Rinaldo DiRicchardi-MUZGA, župnik Župe sv. Luke u Ljubljani 
Cesta 24. junija 32
Ljubljana - Črnuče
Mob: +386 30769 591
E-mail: sloven88@slovenska-starokatoliš


The establishment of a mission in Serbia is underway
U tijeku je uspostava misije u Srbiji